At the start of each year at MPA we have the turban tying competition. It’s important that, right from the start of the year, the new students learn this essential MPA skill. Each and every day at MPA the students are required to wear either a turban or head covering when they leave their dorm, except when they’re drying their hair. Many of the new students have never tied a turban prior to coming to MPA and get help in the first few weeks from their friends. But after a few weeks at MPA, it’s important that they learn how to do this for themselves. The turban tying competition gives those students and squads an incentive to learn, while also giving the returning students the impetus to up their game. Regardless of whether the students identify with wearing a turban, it’s important that they take pride in their presentation.
This year the students had two assignments: the first was to tie a blue house turban or ears out turban and the second was to tie a full, white turban. The students did well in both exercises with many impressive first year turbans and of course some wonderful turbans by returning students. As this is a competition, points are awarded to those houses who did the best overall, as well as to individual intermediate, senior, and new students. In the end, White House came out with the most points followed by Gold, Blue, and Silver.
Ears Out Turban Boys | Gold House | Ears Out Turban Girls | White House |
Full Turban Boys | Gold House | Full Turban Girls | White House |
Senior Boy | Tie for Tashi (Blue) & Satinderpal (White) | Senior Girl | Surya Bahadur (Blue) |
Intermediate Boy | Karampal (Silver) | Intermediate Girl | Adesh (Gold) |
New Boy | Hanspreet (Gold) | New Girl | Hardev (Blue) |