Our annual forty days of ishnaan seva at the Golden Temple is a blessing for our students (Happening now! Follow on instagram @mpaspirit). Each morning as we walk down the stairs of the Golden Temple complex, we’re blessed with the vision of the golden Harmandir Sahib before we bow our heads on the cool, white marble. It is through your generosity and support for Miri Piri Academy that we are able to have this beautiful blessing, and to learn and experience first hand many of the little known history, traditions, people and places that truly deepen this experience. As we start our annual end of year fundraising campaign to raise $10,000 for our annual fund, we hope you will enjoy sharing in some of these little known facts about Harmandir Sahib, the Golden Temple, so that the next time you visit your own experience will be enriched.
A Union of Sun and Moon
The Harmandir Sahib itself, perched in the middle of the healing sarovar, is built of marble and gold. Maharaja Ranjit Singh rebuilt the temple in marble and copper in 1809 and overlaid the sanctum with gold foil in 1830. As the Siri Singh Sahib Ji explained, the temple is a balance of sun and moon. The gold represents the sun, while the marble represents the moon. It’s a union of Sun and Moon; Ha and Tha; Ra and Ma. It’s a yoga. (September 14, 1971)
The inclusion of cooling marble is important. “Marble gives you mental cool. It gives you mental cool like a moon, full moon. That’s why Golden Temple is in marble, not that they could not build it of gold, they could” (Yogi Bhajan, December 31, 1985). “Remember what moon is, moon is that which reflects the sun to expansion energy…sun by itself has no expansion energy. If we would not have moon on this earth around, our everything from the very day of seed will remain as a seed, period… Sun by itself is the mightiest energy by which we all live, okay, agreed, but without the moon, nothing. By sun we will be spermatozoas, with perfect brain, talking capacity, sixty eight years and die as spermatozoa or an egg, whatever the case you want to be. There will be no expansion, nothing will hatch, nothing will grow” (July 9, 1985).
Help Miri Piri Academy reach our $10,000 goal
The Miri Piri Academy Annual Fund supports not only our operations, academic program and facilities, it also supports our Financial Aid program, which makes it possible for more than 66% of our students to attend the school. Your gift to Miri Piri Academy is a gift to the future generations, who will bring their knowledge and their spirit home to share with their communities all over the world. Help us change the world, one student at a time. Please help us reach our $10,000 goal before the end of 2018.