Mata Mandir Singh

Mata Mandir Singh

Mata Mandir Singh Khalsa is an internationally renowned teacher of Naad Yoga (Sound Current), Kundalini Yoga and Gatka (Shakti Yoga). He learnt Kundalini yoga under the guidance of Yogi Bhajan for many years and served in many of his projects. He is a gifted musician, pioneer of mantra music, who has recorded over 28 CD-s and cassettes from the 1970s to this day. He is the author of the book Naad Yoga: The Yoga of Sound Workbook. Mata Mandir teaches and plays his music all over the world, mostly in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe and China. For many years, he lived in Amsterdam where he worked as the owner of the Golden Temple Restaurant while pursuing his multifold musical activities. Today, he lives in Germany and serves as Musical Director at Guru Ram Das Aquarian  Academy teaching and sharing the beauty of Naad Yoga.